A state-funded collaboration between the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware Library providing online magazines, journals, encyclopedias and training for all Delaware K-12 public schools
Photocopying, Scanning, and Emailing Library Resources
Students are welcome to use the Library’s electronic resource such as e-journals and databases during their visit. Students who bring their own laptop can use the UD Guest Wifi Network to get on the Internet and access library resources from their own laptops if they choose to do so while on campus. If they would prefer to use the computers on the first floor of the library, they will find computers in the Information Room as they enter the library and computers in the Reference Room, located just beyond the Information Room. There is no password required to log in to library computers or the Library’s databases and electronic journals while in the Morris Library. Students can use a flash drive to save articles from the Library’s electronic resources or they can email the articles to themselves free of charge.
If students need to copy information from the Library’s print resources, such as print books or print articles, they can scan for free at the scanners on various floors in the library. Please remind students that when they use a print resource, they need to record (manually or via scanning) the information needed for citing the resource such as the article or book title, author, publication title, year of publication, etc.
Please visit the printing policies page for information about printing in the library.
Elementary Schools Coordinators
Molly Olney-Zide, M.L.I.S.
Kaitlyn Tanis, M.A, M.L.I.S.
(302) 831-1728
Middle and High Schools Coordinator
Dianna McKellar, M.S.L.I.S.
Private Schools Coordinator
Erin Daix, M.L.S.
Program Director
Erin Daix, M.L.S.