A state-funded collaboration between the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware Library providing online magazines, journals, encyclopedias and training for all Delaware K-12 public schools
Two UDLib/SEARCH Coordinators divide the Elementary Schools in half. To see what coordinator works with your school district, visit the UDLib/SEARCH website.
Delaware public school students should contact their classroom teacher or school librarian to obtain the UDLib/SEARCH username and password to access the UDLib/SEARCH resources in this guide.
Elementary School Databases
K-2nd Grade Databases
Because younger students may not have vocabularies that are as robust as older elementary students, these databases might be a better place for them to begin their research. Difficult topics may not be as detailed in databases for younger students. All of these databases require a UDLib/SEARCH login. Contact your Delaware Elementary School librarian for username and password information.