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Read Aloud Features in Databases: Home

Which UDLib/SEARCH databases provide read-aloud features?

Gale Databases with Read-Aloud Feature

All Gale Databases have a Read-Aloud Feature in all available full text articles. These Include the following:

Other Databases with Read-Aloud Feature

Generally, the English language encyclopedia databases have a read aloud feature. The Spanish language encyclopedias do not. SIRS Knowledge Source also has this feature.

Access Read-Aloud in PebbleGo Databases

All PebbleGo databases offer read aloud. Once in an article, a speaker will appear. Click the speaker for the article to play. PebbleGo offers read-along audio and word-by-word highlighting making it a great choice for emerging readers. While the audio is playing, a pause button appears which allows you to stop the audio as well. The same features are available in PebbleGo's glossary of terms. 

Access Read-Aloud in Gale Databases

Gale databases all have the ability to read aloud text in every article provided. This is true for all content in the "In Context" databases and for content that is provided in full text in the other databases.

The entire text has to be displayed for this feature to appear, so that you may have to click on a "full text" link or the link to "View More" in certain results. The Read aloud feature is indicated by the speaker logo and "Listen" link. Listen link  A small player box appears with options to play, stop, and pause, as well as the ability to download the audio file.

Access Read-Aloud in Other Databases

Britannica: Britannica Online School Edition, but only Britannica Elementary, features read-aloud in all text content.  The access is clearly shown by a speaker logo and a forward-arrow link. The arrow toggles to a "stop" square button. Text is highlighted in yellow as it is read.

World Book: World Book Student and World Book Discover both have read-aloud features in their text content. In Discover, the read-aloud is in the large "Tools" box at the top of every entry result. Look for the link: "Enable Read-aloud toolbar." In Student, the read-aloud is in the "Tools" box and is labeled "Hear Text Read Aloud."  Either link enables a yellow pop-up box that appears to the left of the text. It allows you to select the text you wish to read by using the mouse and cursor.  A large "Stop" box allows you to stop the reading. There is also an option to speed up or slow down the reader.

SIRS Knowledge Source: This database features read-aloud from the full entry of any selection.  It is available from the top yellow box on the right hand side of the entry. The box indicates that the feature is off and requires a click to turn "On" (default) or on, with the selection to change it marked "Off." You can select male or female voice in the on position. The on position shows a headphone logo and a green arrow to start the reading. This green arrow is then moved with your cursor to any portion of the text desired. When you click the green arrow, the reading begins.  A red box then appears, which can be used to stop the reading..

Contact Us

Elementary Schools Coordinators
Molly Olney-Zide, M.L.I.S.

Kaitlyn Tanis, M.A, M.L.I.S.
(302) 831-1728

Middle and High Schools Coordinator
Dianna McKellar, M.S.L.I.S.

Private Schools Coordinator
Erin Daix, M.L.S.

Program Director
Erin Daix, M.L.S.

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