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A state-funded collaboration between the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware Library providing online magazines, journals, encyclopedias and training for all Delaware K-12 public schools

Career Information: Home

Careers, occupations, and vocational information are included in a number of UDLib/SEARCH databases. This guide points to relevant databases and subject headings.

Researching Careers

Careers are covered by a number of databases and e-books. These are listed in the main database menu at the Middle School and High School level databases. See: Vocational and Career Resources in the Middle School Databases and the individual databases listed under the heading "Vocational & Career" in the High School Databases.

In all cases the best approach is to look up the particular job or industry of interest and add the term "job or jobs" "occupation*", or "career*."

Example, in Business and Company Profiles, use "Electronics and Careers" and several articles about promising careers are listed.

Training Sessions

Image with instructions to contact staff to schedule face to face training

General Information About Careers

World Book Student has an in-depth article about careers, what they are, and how people choose them. Just enter the term "careers" in the main search box.

World Book Discover has a Life Skills section on the main page that then opens to a large list of resources about employment.

Kids InfoBits has several articles on careers under the search term, "career choice." Another good subject is "career development."

SIRS Discoverer lists "Careers and Jobs" as a narrower topic under ther broad heading "Personal Growth" in the browse menu.

SIRS Knowledge Source has a variety of articles on careers under the subject heading "Vocational Guidance."

Gale Discovering Collection uses the term "Occupations" on their subject guide to list articles on careers for particular groups. You can also use the "narrower terms" menu on the left of the results list to identify particular careers. There is also the option to select "Related Subjects" from the main Occupations term.

Testing and Education Reference Center has a "Career Tools" section that includes test preparation for vocational tests and tools that help with resume writing, interviewing, computer skills, and a virtual career library.

Contact Us

Elementary Schools Coordinators
Molly Olney-Zide, M.L.I.S.

Kaitlyn Tanis, M.A, M.L.I.S.
(302) 831-1728

Middle and High Schools Coordinator
Dianna McKellar, M.S.L.I.S.

Private Schools Coordinator
Erin Daix, M.L.S.

Program Director
Erin Daix, M.L.S.